Data Integration and Analysis

What is Data Integration?

Data Integration is an approach to data that enables the collection of data of different types, from different sources and consolidating it into a unified view that is relevant to a particular user, process or procedure that might exist from time to time and in the aviation context, could be different in a different timeframe.

Differing views can be generated from the same disparate sources, but integrated differently, to generate unique perspectives for different use-cases within the aviation ecosystem. Using well-designed data structures, different aspects can be generated from operationally or machine-generated triggers. These characteristics drive use cases that have significant application for aviation industry stakeholders.

Big Data Needs a Big Strategy

Big Data programs are not delivering on their promises. While there is much activity in the Big Data space, only a small percentage of projects realise benefits. Primarily, this is a consequence of the focus on collecting lots of data without the necessary business followthrough.

Just like our overused axiom that a piece of technology does not a system make, neither is data alone nor patterns that are found within it the solution to business problems in-and-of themselves. And just like pieces of technology, big data has to fit within — enable, or improve some end-to-end system.

Just like technology, a lack of strategy or a business plan; it will doom projects to a short life or outright failure. Just because our aircraft can deliver terabytes per hour, and our apps can mimic google and know what our customers think before they do, 

The "..XM" Standards You Must Know

AIXM, or Aeronautical Information eXchange Model, FIXM, or Flight Information Exchange Model, and WXXM, the Weather Infomation Exchange Model form the basis of the far from new, Airline Industry data model. At their core, these living and verified standards provide a ready-made integration toolset for the industry.

Already in use by some segments of the industry, these standards are components of System-Wide Information Management, SWIM. They are being used by some airlines to build efficiency into their operational systems.

At the core of the ICAO Aviation Systems Block Upgrade program, SESAR and NextGen and Swim, the "..XM" standards are empowering the industry. Why not take a more in-depth look and see how they might enable your systems.

Closed Loop, with its specialist partners, enjoys world-renowned expertise about how these aspects of data combine to underpin Intra and inter-organisational systems and business processes that will add considerable organisational capability. Get in touch for an obligation-free chat about how data integration, Big Data and the core industry standards can prepare your airline for the future.